You do not have to feel stuck anymore
A transformed life is waiting for you.
Become unstuck,
Move Forward to living a Fulfilling Life with more freedom and confidence.
I was stuck.
I could not take a step to move forward for many years.
Even though I knew where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do.
I was stuck.
Guess what,
Now I know it was my thoughts.
It was my thoughts about the circumstances that I was stuck with.
For many years, I struggled with my thought of “I am not good enough”.
When I met Mindset Coaching, my life changed.
I was transformed.
I can truly say that I am living with more freedom and confidence.
I am living the passionate life I was dreaming of.

Moving Forward Mindset Coaching is designed to get you unstuck from wherever you are and help you move forward to live your passionate life.
You will be coached on how to self-coach using the Mindset Model. Self-coaching has changed my life. The mindset model will be used throughout the Moving Forward Mindset Coaching Program.
Discover who you are doing a personality assessment called, ‘DIFFERENCE’. Without knowing who you are, you do not know what your passion is.
Discover your meaning of life, your passion, and what is in your heart. We will create your Mission and Vision statement.
You will live toward your vision with NEW BELIEFS and SELF-CONFIDENCE.
Mindset Coaching
I meet you where you are, we observe your thoughts in your brain together using the Mindset Model.
The mindset model helps to find and solve problems in life.
There are few problems in life that the Mindset model cannot solve.
I help you become unstuck using the Mindset Model.
It is not the circumstances that create the results in your life.
It is your thoughts.
Did you know:
We believe it is our circumstances, our spouse, our children, the boss at work, or someone else that creates problems in our lives.
What we believe is not true and it is the story we create.
That thought creates our feeling,
Our feeling drives our actions or inactions.
Which creates the result which is the evidence of our thought about the circumstance.
This is a simple explanation of the Mindset Model.
It seems so simple when I layout like this, isn’t it?
It may sound easy to understand but it is very difficult to observe our brain by ourselves.
That is why I can help you.
I can help you become unstuck wherever you are and help you move forward using the Mindset model.

Mission and Vision
I was living, but I was lost.
I was longing for the meaning of my life deep down inside. I did not know any better than to take the time to listen to my heart. I was too busy making a living and not living my life.
For a few years, I worked as a Registered Nurse soon after I came to the U.S from Korea with my husband as a newlywed. Then I got involved in starting and running a small business with my husband as a devoted wife and a mother of two boys.
Everybody thought we were successful as a family but I wasn't happy.
One night, I happened to watch one of Oprah’s TV programs. The show featured Cheryl Richardson, a life coach and her transformed clients. A lawyer became an artist and a school teacher transformed into a children’s book writer.
What amazing transformations!
I found myself saying, “Oh, I want to be a life coach who transforms women’s lives.
However, my life went on without much change. My role as a wife, a business partner, and a mother was consuming all of my energy. Many years passed by not taking time to discover or know the meaning of my life. After many sharp turns in life including my husband’s passing, I found myself slowing down.
I asked myself,“ What do I want?”
I remembered Oprah’s show about the life coach Cheryl, and my heart recalled the longing I had on that night.
That rediscovered passion led me to be certified by Life Purpose Coach International and trained as a PATH leader by Laurie Beth Jones Inc.
With these two programs under my belt, I was ready to fly with my mission statement clear and strong.
I finally was on my path to what I dreamed of
What is your dream?
How did you want to live your life?
Did you forget that you even had a dream?
Is it buried with the responsibilities and roles of life?
Have you ever taken the time to listen to your heart?
If not, do not wait.
I am here to help you discover your purpose, dream, and live a meaningful life.
I believe living not knowing the purpose of life is like going on a hike without a map.
With my painful experience of living many years without knowing a clear purpose, I am passionate about helping other women discover their purpose and live passionately.
I can help you rediscover your buried dreams.
What kind of innate talents do you have?
What kind of skills and experiences do you have?
How were you shaped?
What is in your heart?
What are you longing for?
I can help you discover and create your Mission and Vision statement.
You will be thrilled to discover your purpose and to create your
Mission and Vision statement.
It is one of the happiest moments when I see my clients’ faces light up with joy when they finally discover and create their Mission and Vision statements.

Passionate Life
I help you to live a Passionate Life you were dreaming of.
You will be asking “ How are you going to do that for me?”
You know where you want to go and have clarity on the meaning of your life.
Now you have created a Mission and Vision statement.
“ Now what?”
There is so much gap between where you are and where you want to go.
Even after discovering my purpose and was certified as a Life Purpose Coach, I was not able to move forward.
I felt scared, had self-doubt, and felt like giving up.
How am I going to get to the other side?
How can I live a passionate life?
Negative chatters in my brain kept saying,
“There is no such thing as living a Passionate life.”
“ Who do you think you are?”
“ You are not good enough.”
I almost gave up.
But I did not.
It is because of mindset coaching.
Now I can say, I am living a passionate life.
As a Moving Forward Mindset Coach, I help you move forward.
I would walk with you for you to be able to say, “ Now, I am living a Passionate Life”.
I help you move forward and walk toward your Mission and Vision.
I help you believe yourself with new beliefs.
With Moving Forward Mindset Coaching
you become unstuck and live a passionate life with new beliefs
I do not like myself.
I am not good enough.
I don't seem to have any innate talent.
I compare myself with others and I feel so small.
I am afraid of failing and will not try anything new.
I feel hopeless.
I do not know where I am going.
I like myself.
I am good enough.
I am uniquely talented.
I am happy and living with freedom.
I am living a meaningful life with purpose.
I live passionately.
I am living toward my vision with self-confidence.

You don’t have to feel stuck anymore.
Your next step?
Schedule a free discovery session with me