3 Reasons You Need to Hire the Right Person for the Right Position

What do you look for in a new employee? Do you have an accurate job description for each position you are hiring for? How do you know you are hiring the right person for the right position? Employee turnover can cost a lot of money, cutting into companies’ profits. Here are the three main reasons why it’s imperative to hire the right person for the right position:

  1. Decrease in turnover rate.
    Employee Benefit News (EBN) reports that, “it costs employers 33% of a worker's annual salary to hire a replacement if that worker leaves. In dollar figures, the replacement cost is $15,000 per person for an employee earning a median salary of $45,000 a year, according to the Work Institute's 2017 Retention Report.”

  2. Increase in job satisfaction.
    Most of us tend to stick with the profession that we believe fits our values, personality, and skills. When employees love what they do, they are much less likely to look for another job. There can be other reasons someone may search for a new job, such as compensation, but most likely employees will not take the risk of looking for another opportunity if they believe they are the right fit for their position.

  3. Increase in productivity.
    When we are hired for the right position that suits us, we tend to perform at our absolute best. Instead of dreading going to work, we feel excited to advance our careers and travel to work every day. This in turn, causes overall productivity to increase. This increase in productivity will then result in an increase in profit. The bottom line is that businesses ultimately rely on profit.

  • I am licensed with two unique profile assessments. Drawing on my extensive experience in operating small businesses, I can coach you on how to hire the right person for the right position by using various personality assessments.

Contact me to discuss further how I can help you hire the right person for the right position.

Jan & Susan

Changing the way people get things done. 


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